Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis essays

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis essays Imagine sharp pains shooting through your legs and arms, problems in all of your muscles and knowing that you are going to die soon, at a considerably young age. These symptoms are only a few of the many signs that a person might be suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. These are the same symptoms that my Uncle went through when he suffered from ALS. He died two and a half years after he was diagnosed, at the age of forty-six, which goes to show that it doesn't take long for the disease to progress, and there is obviously no cure. Also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, this fatal condition regularly kills innocent people. Some think that ALS is a rare disease and that it will never affect them, but they think wrong. More people need to be aware of ALS, especially the statistics, effects and treatment/prognosis of this morbid disease. The facts and statistics of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) show that the disease is rare, yet bitter. To begin with, the term ALS was coined for a specific reason. "Amyotrophic" means poor muscle nourishment. "Lateral" refers to the edges of the spinal cord. "Sclerosis" means hardening and scarring. Therefore, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a disease that attacks the muscles and spinal cord, which slowly and painfully kills its victim. The cause of ALS is unknown, however, in a study done by Harvard University School of Public Health, scientists concluded that male war veterans from World War I through Vietnam are sixty percent more likely to develop ALS than non-veterans (Ruben 1). There are many theories as to what causes ALS, but this study is the only one that shows what might cause the disease. ALS affects people both sexes between 40 and 70 years old (What is ALS/MND? 1). ALS is more common in men than woman, a ratio of two to one (1). To add to that, one must consider life span and rarity statistics. In the ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Examples of Supply in Economics

Examples of Supply in Economics Supply is defined as the total amount of a given product or service that is available for purchase at a set price. This core component of economics may seem vague, but you can find examples of supply in everyday life. Definition The law of supply states  that  assuming all else is held constant, the quantity supplied for a good rise as the price rises. In other words, the quantity demanded and the  price  is positively related. The relationship between supply and demand can be illustrated like this: Supply Demand Price Constant Rises Rises Constant Falls Falls Increases Constant Falls Decreases Constant Increases Economists   say supply is determined by several factors, including: Price Buyers want to pay as little as possible for a good or service, while producers want to maximize profit by charging as much as possible. When supply and demand are balanced, price tends to be stable Cost The less it costs to manufacture a good, the greater a producers profit margin when that good is marketed at a specific price point. As the cost of production decreases, the more product a manufacturer can produce. Competition Manufacturers may be compelled to lower the price of their goods in order to match the price of similar products offered by a competitor, thus lowering profits. Likewise, producers will seek the lowest price on raw materials, which can, in turn, affect suppliers. Supply and demand do fluctuate over time, and both producers and consumers can take advantage of this. For example, consider season  demand on clothing. In the summertime, the demand for swimsuits is very high. Producers, anticipating this, will ramp up production in the winter in order to meet demand as it increases from spring into summer. But if consumer demand is too high, the price on swimwear will rise because it will be in short supply. Likewise, in the fall retailers will begin clearing out excess inventory of swimsuits to make room for cold-weather clothing. Consumers will find prices reduced and save money, but their choices will be limited. Elements of Supply There are additional factors that economists say can affect supply and inventory. Specific quantity is the amount of a product that a retailer wants to sell at a given price is known as the quantity supplied. Typically a time period is also given when  describing quantity  supplied For example: When the price of an orange is 65 cents the quantity supplied is 300 oranges a week.If the price of copper falls from $1.75/lb to $1.65/lb, the quantity supplied by a mining company will fall from 45 tons a day to 42 tons a day. A supply schedule is a table which lists the possible prices for a good and service and the associated quantity supplied. The supply schedule for oranges could look (in part) as follows: 75 cents - 470 oranges a week70 cents - 400 oranges a week65 cents - 320 oranges a week60 cents - 200 oranges a week A supply curve is simply a supply schedule presented in graphical form. The standard presentation of a supply curve has price given on the Y-axis and quantity supplied on the X-axis. Price elasticity of supply represents how sensitive quantity supplied is to changes in price. Sources Investopedia staff. Law of Supply. Investopedia.com.McIntyre, Shawn. Economics for Beginners. Owlcation.com, 30 June 2016.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fog in Tucson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fog in Tucson - Essay Example Radiation fog can be formed easily in Tucson by adding moisture to the air. During the night, the ground will cool down emitting heat to the air above making it dry. The thin layer of air above the ground remains moist, as the temperature on the ground is cold. Thus, in between the cool and the warm air, radiation fog is formed. The radiation fog formed around valleys is referred to as the valley fog. When forming the valley fog, the condensed cool air would move down into the valley and accumulate. After several layers pile up, fog is formed. The sun cannot heat up the moisture because fog reflects sunlight. Steam fog usually forms in the morning after a cold night. There should a surface of a small pool of water to provide moisture. After evaporation begins, moisture would rise from the surface forming a fog. The physical difference between the radiation and steam form is that latter rises from the ground while the former appears to cover a region while moving

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Literary analysis of Moby Dick Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literary analysis of Moby Dick - Essay Example The rise of Ishmael at the novel's close points to an alternative world, one controlled more by the forces of nature than by humans, one in which the civilized is not fundamentally different from the savage and the animal, one guided not by a linear plan but, to use Darwin's famous phrase, by an "inextricable web of affinities" (Buchholz 50). Indeed, Moby-Dick itself exhibits the principle of natural selection, for it suggests that species like Ahab are not adapted for survival and therefore face extinction while variations like Ishmael are well suited to thrive and flourish. This essay treats Moby-Dick as an allegory signifying the rise of Darwin and the consequent dethroning of man, the victory of evolution over essentialism. The novel constitutes a prophetic parable of what Freud called the second great blow to man's sense of domination (after the astronomy of Copernicus and before Freud's own psychoanalysis): the emergence of the evolutionary theory that "put an end to this presumption on the part of man" by showing that "man is not a being different from the animals or superior to them; he is himself of animal descent, being more closely related to some species and more distantly to others" (cited in Ancona 17). Certainly Ahab instances a tension between both versions of the pre-Darwinian chain: the spatial and the temporal. On the one hand, he yearns for a static scale of nature, in which hierarchically grouped animals and men are utterly fated to be what they are, moving with the regularity of machines. On the other, he wishes for himself to progr ess, to evolve, to the very top of the chain, from which place he will hold the other species below him. From either position, he maintains, violently, the shared assumptions of both pre-Darwinian chains of being: anthropocentrism, hierarchy, design (Ancona 16). Ahab's ship is a pre-Darwinian world in miniature; it is ordered by a chain of being, seemingly static and spatial. Ahab maintains firm control of his ship's hierarchy, reaching from the bottom, the lowly crew, to the savage harpooners, to the third, second, and first mates, to Ahab himself at the top. In the "Knights and Squires" chapters, Melville details a hierarchy of men ordered by degrees of consciousness, the ability for reflection (Ancona 15). Closest to the hyper-reflective Ahab is the first mate Starbuck, pious, speculative, prudent; next is Stubb, the second mate, utterly carefree, with no interest in abstract thought; under him is Flask, the third mate, ignorant, virtually unconscious, utterly indifferent to the mysteries of whaling. Beneath these mates are the harpooners, likewise divided into hierarchy (Buchholz 51). Ahab is well aware of this hierarchy and sees his job as keeping it in place. Indeed, his first words in the novel work to reinforce the hierarchy he heads. After Stubb has hinted to Ahab that he would like him to tread more softly around the deck while others are trying to sleep, Ahab responds by forcefully reminding Stubb of his place: "Down, dog, and kennel" (127). The Captain knows that he is "above the common," having been in colleges and among cannibals (79), that his command ranges from the institutions of civilization to the habitats of the uncivilized. At the same time, he intimates a more temporal chain of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Restaurant and Bar Essay Example for Free

Restaurant and Bar Essay Work Plan Statement of Problem We are pitching an idea for an all you can eat all-inclusive Asian style cuisine. The restaurant will be located in Bellevue, Washington near Bellevue Square and within walking distance of the Microsoft and Expedia towers. The restaurant will offer a variety of Asian cuisines such as sushi, dim sum, teriyaki, and other popular foods sought by young adults and small families. We are asking for $750,000 from venture capitalists to finance our project. Schedule/Division of the work -May| Bao Tu| Find detailed information for project and needs in Bellevue| 2-May| Peter Calimlim| Composition: List benefits and features of products and services related to business| 4-May| Timofey Khval| Research costs, other financial information completed| | Linh Ninh| Organization: Pick the important and related things to investors needs| | My Tran| Research, develop market strategy| 10-May| Bao Tu| Set the target market and find their tastes. Find competitors and research them| | Linh Ninh| Develop ideas for opening| Peter Calimlim| Execution/Evaluation: Revise presentation for 3-4 minute speech. Practice Individually| 16-May| Group| Group meeting to share research and other ideas| 18-May| My Tran| Develop ideas for closing| | Timofey Khval| Compile information into tables, financial statements, graphs| 23-May| Bao Tu| Finish research and preparation for presentation| 25-May| Timofey Khval| Analysis of information completed| | My Tran| Completion of rough draft for opening and offering| | Linh Ninh| Compete rough draft of marketing strategy, closing ideas| 27-May| Group| Finish research and individual portions. Meeting to develop presentation| 1-Jun| Group| Meeting to rehearse presentation, make final revisions| 4-Jun| Group| Meetings to continue rehearsal, work on visual aids (if necessary)| 6-Jun| Group| Presentation date| 1-May| Bao Tu| Find detailed information for project and needs in Bellevue| 2-May| Peter Calimlim| Composition: List benefits and features of products and services related to business| 4-May| Timofey Khval| Research costs, other financial information completed| | Linh Ninh| Organization: Pick the important and related things to investors needs| | My Tran| Research, develop market strategy| 0-May| Bao Tu| Set the target market and find their tastes. Find competitors and research them| | Linh Ninh| Develop ideas for opening| | Peter Calimlim| Execution/Evaluation: Revise presentation for 3-4 minute speech. Practice Individually| 16-May| Group| Group meeting to share research and other ideas| 18-May| My Tran| Develop ideas for closing| Timofey Khval| Compile information in to tables, financial statements, graphs| 23-May| Bao Tu| Finish research and preparation for presentation| 25-May| Timofey Khval| Analysis of information completed| | My Tran| Completion of rough draft for opening and offering| | Linh Ninh| Compete rough draft of marketing strategy, closing ideas| 27-May| Group| Finish research and individual portions. Meeting to develop presentation| 1-Jun| Group| Meeting to rehearse presentation, make final revisions| 4-Jun| Group| Meetings to continue rehearsal, work on visual aids (if necessary)| 6-Jun| Group| Presentation date|

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Product Life-Cycle Model Essay -- essays research papers

Overview The product can be defined as goods, services or both; in the other words it’s anything that satisfies customer need. Each product has its own limited life, however it shares the same aspect and we define the period that the product goes through as the â€Å"Product life cycle†. The Product life cycle consist of four stages starting from introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage and decline stage. At the introduction stage, the product is not popular and can’t really make a lot of profit. Its marketing cost may be high in order to test a market and set up a distribution channel. At the growth stage, the product start making a profit, the sales increase rapidly with some cost on marketing especially brand building. Competitors enter the market, often in large number depending on how attractive the market is. When a profit starts to decline, it’s the sign of ‘Maturity stage’. At maturity stage, the sales continue to increase but at the decreasing rate until become stable, because of price competition. The product reaches its peak at this stage, most companies fight aggressively to maintain their market share. The competition is very intense, unfortunately a small firms will die one by one. During the decline stage, the profit start to drop gradually, each firm has to manage carefully. There’re not many choice to choose now; take the most out of it before exit or expand the market by using marketing mix strategies in order to extend product life. Can product life...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

College Savings Essay

Why is it important to go to college? I believe the answer is crystal clear. Attending college provides me with an opportunity for a better future. The economy now is not the same as it was in the past. Those who graduate high school are finding it extremely difficult to obtain high-paying jobs. The United States has been reformed into an economy dependent on knowledge. Graduating college provides the graduate with more desirable opportunities and options. It is a proven fact that having a college degree increases your chances of receiving a high-paying job; and isn’t that what we strive to achieve in our lives? The reason I wake up everyday and attend school is to one day have a high-paying job, that will make all the years of education worth it. However, though a college education is immensely important, it carries a heavy price tag. Unfortunately, the cost of tuition goes up every year, preventing many teens from attending college. I myself do not allow that unfortunate fac t to discourage from obtaining a college education. I am aware of the numerous available financial aid options. Though I am only in middle school and still have a couple more years before I can start college. I believe that I should be preparing myself for the future years ahead considering the fact that they are critical in my success. I often find myself searching the web for colleges and imagining myself attending those colleges in the future. But unfortunately, daydreaming is not going to get me anywhere. Once I snap out of it, I began to search for strategies that will benefit me in my quest to attend college. In my opinion, it is critical to form a strategy early on in the game. The sooner the better. The amount of money needed to attend college is great, so saving money early on is the best way to go. I have become aware that scholarships and financial aid do not pay for everything! Though they offer a tremendous amount of help, I will have to pay as well. That is why starting early is crucial. Of course, I will not be able to accomplish my goal without the help of my parents. They are the ones who will guide me and offer the necessary assistance that I desperately need. Making my parents aware of my strategy is the second step and probably the most important. Considering I am still a minor, their help is essential. The chances of receiving a scholarship or financial aid is not guaranteed! I cannot afford to place all my hope in the idea of a scholarship or grant and neither can my parents. We have to think ahead and prepare for the challenges that I will have to face. It is important for my parents and I to find out as much as we can about financial aid and the necessary requirements we have to meet to be able to receive the aid. Though the price of education is being raised, so is the amount of financial aid I can receive. The financial aid package that I will be given to me is determined by the college that I wish to attend. That is why I’m already searching online for colleges that I picture myself attending, and familiarizing myself with their criteria for incoming students. Receiving financial aid or any type of support is ultimately up to me. Scholarships are not given to everybody. I have to earn it. In order to improve my chances of receiving a scholarship, I have tried absolute hardest to obtain excellent grades. Most of my friends believe that middle school holds little importance. I disagree. It’s vital to put your maximum effort in your studies from the get-go. When I apply to colleges, I want them to realize that I’m serious about graduating and having a successful future. I cannot afford to begin to take college seriously in high school, because it may be too late. If I start preparing myself and researching about college early on, I will be ready and prepared when my high school years arrive. Which surprisngly are right around the corner. Forming a saving strategy is essential in my plan to attend college. There are various companies and websites that offer me the help and guidance to form my strategy. For example, the 529 Plan. The 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment plan built to encouraging f uture college attendees to save for a college education. But these programs are not the only way to go. My school counselor and teachers also offer their expertise on the topic of college. My school’s faculty, for a fact, has my best interest at heart. They are constantly giving me advice on high school and what lies ahead. Now that I am in my eighth grade year, the topic of high school has been popping up more frequently in our discussions. I am still young and do not know all there is to know about college and the best way to start saving for it. So, I rely on the help of my teachers, counselor and of course, my parents. With their advice and support, I will be able to form a strategy that will help me save money for college. It is obvious that I cannot depend on their help alone. It is I who has to take their advice and put it motion. For example, I am allowed to work part-time at the age of 14. I know that it is extremely difficult to balance work and school so, I have decided to begin working during the summer. With of course m y parents consent. Having an income will help me tremendously. College costs a lot of money and considering the fact that my parents don’t have the biggest income, I’m grateful for the fact that I will be able to work and offer my parents a lending hand on my savings for college. Neither of my parents have a college education. I do not judge them because I know the challenges they have encountered, for I have witnessed them myself. My entire family was born in Cuba where a college education was difficult to achieve. When we first arrived in the United States, my parents found it extremely difficult to get job. This caused my family to go through many struggles. Struggles that we are currently experiencing today. Witnessing these struggles have given me the determination to have a successful future. I do not wish for my future children to go through what I have gone through. My parents understand this. Not only do they understand it, they encourage it. They are constantly referring to me as their ‘better future’. It is clear that they want me to succeed. They don’t want me to be constantly worrying about not being able to pay the bills or rent. They want my future to be worry free. They understand how important college is and have already began taking the necessary steps to guarantee that I attend. Having my parents support is essential for I do not think I would be able to do it on my own. Though they are not familiar with steps that need to be taken to get into college, they are trying their best to help me achieve my goal in any way that is necessary. Most people already know why college is important; it opens numerous doors and provides many opportunities and advantages once you have graduated. It has been proven that people with a college education earn nearly twice as much than those who only have a high school diploma in their pocket. You go to school to get good job, to earn money and have a successful f uture. A college education guarantees that. A college education increases my chances of living the life I have always wanted. The life my parents wish for me. In the United States today, having a college education is extremely important. Without it, you will most likely get nowhere. I would know. My parents do not have a college education. I have watched them suffer financially and the thought of me having through go through their struggles terrifies me. I do not want to live in constant stress over late payments or having no money to buy food for my kids. I know how difficult it will be to attend college. I know that I will have to make sacrifices to guarantee my future. But I am willing to make those sacrifices because I only the consequences that I will face if I don’t. Most people will not understand why I have decided to start saving up for college or even thinking about college so early on. But I have my reasons. College is more important to me than people realize. It’s the key to a successful future. My successful future!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Voter Participation in the 1800s

Unknown 4B 14 November 2012 The 1800s were a time of tremendous change that contained many valuable occurrences. While being well adjusted to the new world the building blocks of America were still in the process of being made. Many controversies and commands were made which made elections a bit more complicated. The participation in political campaigns and elections in the United States changed between 1815 and 1840 through economic, political, and social factors that corresponds to historical events that made the differences that created the change.The conflicts that are occurring during the time of voting have a very large affect on the election. They show what the president needs to improve and how they are going to act to do so. In the 1820s it was the start of the idea of the American System, which includes promoting industry though tariffs, building road, canals, etc, and internal improvements to market agriculture. The democrats at the time opposed the system and the republic ans were all for it. We are fast becoming a great nation, with great commerce, manufactures, population, wealth, luxuries, and with the vices and miseries that they engender. † (Doc. B). This was the start of the market revolution, where everything changes from underdevelopment to a future run on technology. Immigration was a problem because it was replacing American workers with cheaper foreign workers. They didn’t have any solutions, as it was just beginning, so that would be something the president would have to work on and use in their campaign.Being the highest executive officer of a modern republic, the president is a imperative position full of demand. Andrew Jackson boosted his reputation and helped prop him to the while house through the Battle Of New Orleans. That is a fine example of how historical events can boost your eligibility for votes. Through the Era of Good Feelings, it kept Monroe and the Republican party well known. Jackson was also in office for t he Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears which was a horrible time but gained land for the people which increased Jackson’s favor. Also through Jackson, was he creation of the Whig Party, which was a big impact on the election of 1836 because it was the 2nd party compared to democratic. Van Buren was President for part of the ending of slavery which was a huge progressive state for America. These events explained what the main goals were for the presidential candidates and were the ways to gain votes. In 1828, the Democratic Party ballot only had Representatives to vote on while there weren’t very many competitors. (Doc. D). Social issues kept the public talking, were a major part of campaigning, and displayed who to vote for.In the 1824 election between Adams and Jackson, Adams was blamed for Corrupt bargain which affected his presidency through the thought of scandal. Another point that brought scandal upon election was the spoils system which gave jobs for voter s for a certain party. â€Å"We have trusted to the influence of the justice and good sense of our political leaders, to prevent the continuance of.. Abuses, which destroy the natural bands of equality so essential to the attainment of moral happiness, but they have been deaf to the choice of justice.. † (Doc. E).Voting also increased over the years through change of requirement to vote, after this time period, women could vote along with slaves. (Doc. A. ) Campaigns won over Americas heart and started in the 1840s with Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison. Harrison was thought of as an alcoholic by his competitor so Buren said that he would sit in a log cabin and drink hard cider. (Doc. I. ) Everyone had a different opinion so newspapers weren’t an official source for awhile. The more different types of newspapers the more different will the stories get stretched with candidates. Doc. G). It was all for means of convincing voters and sharing the ideas of the pr esidential candidates. Over time, the number of voters increased while the regulations decreased. Through economic, political, and social factors that fact can be explained through historical events and change. Presidents manifest themselves to prove that they can be the best leaders that they can be with hard work and tough campaigning. While split up through different parties and ideas, presidency has definitely changed throughout the decades.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Write Cold Emails The Right Way

How To Write Cold Emails The Right Way Cold email marketing became popular in the past few years, the idea being that it was an extension of genuine interest and engagement. You’d let people know you mentioned them in a blog post, or referenced them in some other content, like in an ebook. Or you’d share something you wrote that they might be interested in for their own blog or research. They would most likely share it with their followers. Good times, all around. And it worked. Unfortunately, it has morphed into something else, much like guest blogging was co-opted by spammers and sullied. I wish I could share the tweet with you that set my mind to writing this post, but unfortunately, it has been pulled down. Essentially, with typical Twitter bluntness, the writer of the tweet said this: Online email marketing today is an email from some guy saying, â€Å"I mentioned you in this thing I wrote. Share it with all your people.† I suspect he pulled the tweet down because the language was a bit more colorful than this, no doubt stemming from the sense of frustration as his already burgeoning inbox was bombarded by this careless kind of marketing that is really little more than spam. I’m going to approach this post a bit differently, positing some theories about cold email marketing at the start. If everyone ends up doing it, the effectiveness is lost. Even if it’s a miracle cure, too many people are poorly trained in administering it. Even in perfect form, the sheer amount of emails can overwhelm. You must have patience. People don’t all move at the speed of marketing. The recipient must truly benefit and get value from your request. Cold email  marketing can be done well, just like guest posting still has a place, but too often, in the wrong hands or from marketers who are too busy and have an eye on numbers instead of the hearts of the people. It is something ugly. A Tale Of Frustration True-story time, so that you can learn from my pain. I generally receive a fair amount of emails each day from people who want me to look at their blog post or ebook. They tell me quickly that they’ve mentioned me or something I’ve written in their content, and would I please... Check it out. (Pretty vague, and it doesn’t tell me how I’m going to benefit, only that I’m going to have to give up time to do it.) Review it and see if I agree. (Feels like being baited, but I might bite depending on how they worded the email.) Comment on it. (Again, time consuming and how do I benefit by giving you social proof?) Give them pointers on how to make it better. (I find this confusing; I don’t have time to spot-edit other content. I think this is supposed to be flattery, but I would advise wording this kind of request carefully.) And, most importantly, would I share it with my followers lots and lots of times. Some I respond to, and some I don’t. Because I’m an introvert  and also fairly regimented in what I allow myself to do each day, that would interfere with work and personal time, so I don’t always respond right away. Many of these cold emails are hastily written and don’t offer any genuine reward. So if I don’t respond, I archive it away. Sometimes I’d get a follow-up email, wondering if I’d gotten the previous email, and repeating the original request. Some folks follow up the follow-up many times over, and that’s harassing. One day, I received a typical cold email. It said this: Hey Julie. I love your blog post X. The best part was this: X. Here is a quote I liked: X. We wrote something similar and I’d like you to check it out. I would love your feedback. Sharing it on your blog and social media would be great! :-) I read it, and I thought this: It’s a form email, with blank areas for personalization. They used the quote to prove they read my blog post, but is a large pull quote suggesting they didn’t actually read it. It feels like part of a massive campaign with an attempt at being personal. I don’t know this person. I archived it. Six days later I received this: Hey Julie. Just touching base again. While waiting to hear back from you, I read this wonderful post on your blog about X (same blog post mentioned in the first email). I liked it so much I shared it with my Twitter audience. Here is the tweet: (link to twitter.com, not any specific tweet or profile). Here is something similar: (same blog post they wanted me to check out last time). I hope you enjoy it. Do leave a comment or share it. I archived it. Clearly, a follow-up cold email form with sloppy attention to details. I’m not going to share content from anyone who isn’t careful about details, since the content I share and curate  reflects on me. Recommended Reading from Neil Patel: The 6 Types Of Social Media Content That Will Give You The Greatest Value Two weeks later, I receive an email from the same group. Unfortunately, they mixed up their copy and paste efforts, it seems, and it was for some guy I didn't know, containing an email reply chain. Same email template and wording, same blog post they were pushing. I responded back, letting them know of the mix-up and that their email hadn’t gone to the correct person. I also politely and pleasantly noted I was not interested in these types of cold emails. Ten days later, I received an email starting another round of the same templates for another blog post. I archived it. Ten days after that, someone else from that group made a friend request on some of my social media profiles and promptly sent me a message with a link to their LinkedIn Group. Sixteen days after that, I received a  cold  email announcing beta access to their app. They also asked if I would please sign up and promote their app on social media and on my blog to my friends? Ye gads. This is one example. I have many. I save the emails, because sometimes I can’t believe people are doing it. I want to say this to these folks who are going about cold email marketing in this manner: You keep taking up my time and bandwidth. What do I get out of this? Before you send cold emails, ask yourself: What does the receiver get out of this? #WIIFMWhat To Ask Yourself As You Write Your Cold Emails Assuming you’re not an influencer and that you’re looking to build your audience and get some new attention with the help of someone who has a bit of influence, what do you have to do to make cold email marketing effective again? Frankly, much of these next steps can work for any marketing approach, not just cold emails. 1. Did it jump the shark? Before we proceed too much farther, I’d advise you to learn how to evaluate a marketing technique and decide if it’s jumped the shark. This cold email technique may have, indeed, reached critical mass, if you have influencers and others grumbling about it on social media. It has been proposed by leading marketers as a winning technique for so long now  and has been used by those of us in the trenches, causing it to lose its power. But maybe not. What kind of responses are you  getting back? Perhaps your email method works, perhaps your style is off, or perhaps the technique is alive or dead. You decide. 2. Am I valuing the person? Signs of not  valuing the person you’re about to make a request of: Emails that fill up already crowded and noisy inboxes that are filled with jargon, insincere compliments, overly casual friend-talk from a stranger High request loads (share this, do this, review this) for busy people Constant â€Å"follow-up† And a barrage of simultaneous friend requests on every social network out there the same time you send the email That feels like a war campaign, not a genuine relationship. That feels like you’re checking things off a marketing list according to a schedule, and not seriously inquiring and engaging. You clearly want something from the person without any quid pro quo. Explore how you can bring true value to the influencer before you send #ColdEmail.3. Is my timeline off? Remember, people don’t move at the speed of marketing. Engagement is not a cold email and a follow-up. That’s little more than the digital form of advertising circulars in the mail that have my name on it generated from some database. Real relationships, and real engagement, takes time. You can’t flood the Internet with cold email marketing in hopes of fast returns. In other words, do not spray your emails out to random influencers and strangers, taking the shotgun approach and hoping something sticks. That’s a good way to ruin your reputation and have your email marked as spam, or categorize you as a â€Å"troublesome" emailer. You must focus on specific people with specific communication tailored directly to them personally and genuinely. Their interests. Their concerns. Thoughtful responses. That level of communication necessarily reduces the amount of emails you can send out, and it stretches out the timeline. While it would be nice to think of cold emails as a campaign-based technique that fits a particular timeline centered around a specific set of content, I am suggesting that era has passed. It may have worked that way when the technique first developed, but if my inbox is any indication, getting a flood of emails based around the latest content piece someone is pushing that month and my reaction to it (as well as the now-gone tweet mentioned earlier), it's leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths. 4. Is there any real interest? If you don’t hear back, you didn’t hear back. Don’t follow-up your follow-up your follow-up your follow-up. Don’t send messages on other social network messaging systems, too. If the person isn’t interested, move on. And tell the rest of your team as much. They’re just not that into you. If someone doesn't reply to your #ColdEmail, they're just not that into you. Move on.What You Need To Do If you’ve asked yourself those questions and are legitimately good to go forward, you need to know how to do it right. 1. Pre-engagement engagement. Choose a few influencers or people you’d like to target in the hopes that they will do the same for you. Be creative. Pick a few who aren’t on the top of everyone’s list, perhaps. Look for people who: Are active on social media. Have followers who are active. Have lots of blog comments. Are in the habit of promoting others or doing what you’re ultimately going to ask them to do. Are someone you’ve engaged with legitimately (i.e. not looking to get something from) in the past. Have responded to you in the past. Are doing something unusual, unique, or have a brand or thing going on that is different from everyone else that you are  truly interested  in. Please notice:  You’ve engaged with them in the past without trying to get something from them. And also, please notice: Someone doing something you’re truly interested in. Do you see people as merely a means to an end? Do you target influencers who are merely in your niche or have the fame, or are you actually interested in what they say and do? If you aren’t truly interested, you’re going to have a tough time forming a legitimate relationship and communicating with them on a real level. Do you see people as merely a means to an end? If yes, influencer outreach isn't for you.Remember this, because I’m going to harp on this and allude to it for the rest of the post: Natural conversation stems from true interest. Real relationships stem from caring about someone else. If you’re a well-known person in your niche, and considered an important and relevant influencer, you might be able to get by without some of this. After all, you can’t care about everyone; you’d be exhausted. But most of us aren’t, and you need to lay the groundwork of genuine friendliness first before launching requests. If your first contact as an unknown quantity is market-ese, empty flattery, a form email, and â€Å"do this for me please†, you failed. You did it wrong. 2. Inject tangible value into your communication. Remember, this cold email technique doesn’t work unless you genuinely have something of value to offer the recipient. And by genuine, I don’t mean some sort of empty flattery or suggestions of assumed or forced quid pro quo (â€Å"I share your stuff all the time. You should do the same for me.†) You need to add some value. And you need to show that you value the actual person. Adding value and benefits is easy enough. You know the drill. You offer the recipient access to exclusive information or data, a free copy of your ebook, a guest post, help with something, first use of an infographic- that kind of value and benefit is easy to understand. But how do you show the person that you value them? Simple: You assign time or money to the interaction. In a busy and fast world, time and money carry weight. You could send a postcard. A letter. A Graze box. A holiday card. Treats for their whole team. A hot new book on their Amazon wishlist. If the person constantly gushes about Yo-Yo Ma on their social media feeds, send them a Yo-Yo Ma CD. If they love Star Wars, send them something Star Wars-y. Donate to their favorite charity. Spend months conversing about non-marketing things like you would with a friend. Offer to help them here and there, early on, before popping a request (â€Å"I’d be happy to be a beta tester/bug finder† or â€Å"I can create some graphics for you if you need a little help.†). This isn’t about being a creeper or about breaking some sort of pay-to-play laws. It isn’t a guarantee they will do what you want. It’s merely saying with action that the person matters and you took the time to show it. Talk is cheap, especially online, and when I get something that took time or money to communicate with me, I pay attention. That person was willing to expend something of value to them in order to get my attention. For example, I recently received a letter from a blog reader from Kentucky who had read a post I’d written here on the blog. And by letter, I mean paper, in an envelope, with a stamp. He wanted to thank me for writing on a topic that he hadn’t realized he should learn about, and felt he needed to let me know how much it had helped him. So I wrote back. I responded. If that person asks something of me, I will certainly be paying attention and more likely to at least respond again. I’m going to be bold and say that being personal is the only way to stand out now. Clever or flattering language in an email doesn’t really do it. It’s not enough, anymore, to run the data and find a â€Å"slow email† day so your email doesn’t get lost in the shuffle because, truthfully, there are no slow email days. They’re all pretty heavy, with some days being merely slightly less heavy. Say  with action that the person matters and you took the time to show it. #OutreachIf you simply can’t imagine doing anything more than email, block out the time to send real emails long before you need to make a request. You might: Ask their opinion about something they are interested in (anything other than about a post you just wrote). Ask questions, as if they were a mentor (but no links to your site right away). Sincerely tell them how their writing has helped you. Share some content with them that isn’t yours. Tell them why you thought it might help, or how it fit in with what they have previously talked about. And then wait a bit before repeating. You’re establishing that you’re not just out for what you can get. When thinking of cold contacting an influencer to gain traction for your content, ask yourself these questions: What is too common? What is uncommon? How can I make this happen using something uncommon? You know what happens when you add benefits and show the email recipient they are valuable to you? They see your request  as being more valuable. You took the time to add value to it, therefore, it is a more valuable request. This is a simple equation. 3. Don’t care so much. This one technique, that of cold emails, cannot be the cornerstone of your marketing plan. If it is, you'll care too much. If you care too much, you’re going to chase after it too hard. You’re going to â€Å"follow up† to the death and ruin your chances of future success. I’m not proposing apathy, but patience requires you not to sit and stare at your phone waiting for the email to arrive. Be Picky. The crucial question is this:  What can you do  (not just say) that shows you invested time and/or money into your communication? What have you done that shows you value the person? What can you do (not just say) that shows you invested time/money into your #Outreach?If you have the mindset that the person you’re making the request of is more valuable than your request, you won’t slip into spammy and frustrating behavior, and something, ultimately, will come from your efforts. So, in recap: 1. Pick your request. By deciding that you will add true value (backed by time and money) to your request, you’ll be less sloppy and more casual in the requests you make. Instead of pushing every third blog post, you'll take the time to create some kind of content that truly matters. 2. Pick the person. Use the list and choose your email recipients wisely. A bigger list isn’t always best. Be sure you only take on what you can handle in a personal manner. 3. Pick the method. Choose a creative way to communicate to get the recipient’s attention, but remember to do it early on before you begin to make requests. Be uncommon. If email is the only route you can go, remember that caring about people and communicating that genuinely without wanting something in return is, in and of itself, uncommon.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

BPL vs. DLL in Delphi Programming Applications

BPL vs. DLL in Delphi Programming Applications When we write and compile a Delphi application, we typically generate an executable file - a standalone Windows application. Unlike Visual Basic, for example, Delphi produces applications wrapped in compact exe files, with no need for bulky runtime libraries (DLLs). Try this: start Delphi and compile that default project with one blank form, this will produce an executable file of about 385 KB (Delphi 2006). Now go to Project - Options - Packages and check the Build with runtime packages check box. Compile and run. Voila, the exe size is now around 18 KB. By default the Build with runtime packages is unchecked and every time we make a Delphi application, the compiler links all the code your application requires to run directly into your applications executable file. Your application is a standalone program and doesnt require any supporting files (like DLLs) - thats why Delphi exes are so big. One way of creating smaller Delphi programs is to take advantage of Borland package libraries or BPLs in short. Whats a Package? special dynamic-link library used by Delphi applications Packages enable us to place portions of our application into separate modules that can be shared across multiple applications. Packages, also, provide a means of installing (custom) components into Delphis VCL pallete. Therefore, basically two types of packages can be made by Delphi: Run-time packages - provide functionality when a user runs an application - they operate much like standard DLLs. Design-time packages - used to install components in the Delphi IDE and to create special property editors for custom components. Design packages From this point this article will deal with run-time packages and how they can help Delphi programmer. One wrong mit: you are not required to be a Delphi component developer to take advantage of packages. Beginner Delphi programmers should try working with packages - theyll get better understanding of how packages and Delphi work. When and when Not ot Use Packages DLLs are most commonly used as collections of procedures and functions that other programs can call. Besides writing DLLs with custom routines, we can place a complete Delphi form in a DLL (for example an AboutBox form). Another common technique is to store nothing but resources in DLLs. More information on how Delphi operates with DLLs find in this article: DLLs and Delphi. Before going on to comparison between DLLs and BPLs we have to understand two ways of linking code in an executable: static and dynamic linking. Static linking means that when a Delphi project is compiled, all the code that your application requires is directly linked into your applications executable file. The resulting exe file contains all the code from all the units that are involved in a project. Too much code, you might say. By default, uses clause for a new form unit list more than 5 units (Windows, Messages, SysUtils, ...). However, the Delphi linker is smart enough to link only the minimum of code in the units actually used by a project. With static linking our application is a standalone program and doesnt require any supporting packages or DLLs (forget BDE and ActiveX components for now). In Delphi, static linking is the default. Dynamic linking is like working with standard DLLs. That is, dynamic linking provides functionality to multiple applications without binding the code directly to each application - any required packages are loaded at runtime. The greatest thing about dynamic linking is that loading of packages by your application is automatic. You dont have to write code to load the packages neither you have to change your code. Simply check the Build with runtime packages check box found on the Project | Options dialog box. The next time you build your application, your projects code will be linked dynamically to runtime packages rather than having units linked statically into your executable file.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Grievances of the Palestinians Under the Occupation and a Popular Research Paper

The Grievances of the Palestinians Under the Occupation and a Popular National Uprising - Research Paper Example As the Intifada continued to spread and escalate, Oslo happened. The prospect of peace and the emergence of a liberated and sovereign Palestinian state, concomitant with the recognition of the PLO as the official representatives of the Palestinian people, had brought the violence to an end. As the events of 2000 were to later indicate, however, the Intifada had only been temporarily abated by the promise of peace and the prospect of Palestinian statehood and sovereignty. As it became increasingly evident, however, that Oslo was not going to be realized and as socio-political and economic conditions in the occupied territories continued to worsen, the second Intifada erupted, sparked off by the then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon’s effective storming of Al Aqsa Mosque. The Palestinian Intifada, as may be deduced from the preceding, is a confrontational resistance to the occupation. As the Palestinians have been resisting the occupation since 1948, it is necessary to distinguish the Intifada (both first and second) from other forms of Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. In essence, as contrasted with previous cycles of contention during the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Palestinian Intifada may be distinguished by two central features. First its structural context: the fact that the Palestinians were a national minority under Israeli military occupation as opposed to other past structures of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (e.g. two national movements grappling under a British mandate, 1919-1948).