Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Literature Review Karl Galinsky And Jack Weatherford

Literature Review: Karl Galinsky and Jack Weatherford By Niza Metoyer World History Richardson Abstract In this review I will analysis and deconstruct the works of Karl Galinsky and Jack Weatherford. The two works I will be looking at is â€Å"Augustus: Introduction to the Life of an Emperor† and â€Å"Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World.† This analysis will consist of a summary and deconstruction of each text as well as a comparison of the styles and structures of each author. The review will be concluded with a recount of the overall usefulness of each work. I will also touch on how effective the book was on increasing the reader’s knowledge of the subject at hand. â€Å"Augustus: Introduction to the Life of an†¦show more content†¦Including Roman customs that add to the main narrative was a great addition. Galinsky adds a new dynamic to the telling of Augustus’ life with his interpretation and depiction of the leadership and the progress made at the time. He is attempting to show the reader a more rounded picture of the life of this young emperor. The strict structure of the overall book is great in reminding the reader that this is a recount of historical events. This along with the inset boxes may at times dry out the entertaining aspects of the story being told. That being said this book is well put together and unlike the average historical text has foudn a way to keep audiences engaged while keeping structure, and fact in unison. The well-edited text was attractively presented and accompanied by an extensive and up to date bibliography. The text, although readable and sometimes humorous the content and style borders on pretentious. This could be both negative and positive as it lends itself to being more entertaining and applicable to a contemporary audiences. â€Å"Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World† Jack Weatherford This history text written by Jack Weatherford, Professor of Anthropology at Macalester College combines historical evidence and masterful storytelling. Weatherford, the only western scholar to be allowed into the Mongols, and into the forbidden burial site brings readers on his journey to tracking the once uncertain

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